Why Join LASAM?
The growth of the animal sciences and increased needs for human resources for experimental animals makes communication ,networking, and staying informed imperative.
LASAM membership benefits include:
Discount on registration fee for the annual meeting and regular workshops
Notification of meetings and events related to laboratory animals
Career development through education and training
Free newsletter subscription with topical news, comment and feature articles about LASAM activities and the world of laboratory animal science
The opportunity to exchange views and information with other experts in the field of laboratory animal science
Access to useful resources and network connection.
Voting rights (except Corporate and Affiliate Members)
Members Residing in Malaysia | APPLY NOW !!

Ordinary membership
Open to all Malaysians interested in or associated with the field of laboratory animal science.
Associate membership
Open to all non-Malaysians interested in or associated with the field of laboratory animal science.
Student membership
Open to active students enrolled in full-time or part-time undergraduate and postgraduate studies in a field relevant to laboratory animal science. Student Membership ceases on termination or completion of their studies.
Corporate membership
Open to companies registered under the Malaysian Companies Act, University departments, and research institutions; subject to the approval by the Executive Committee. A corporate member in good standing shall be entitled to name 3 representatives and enjoy special benefits formulated in the Rules of the Association. Corporate member has no right to vote in the conduct of the affairs of the Association..
Honorary membership
May be conferred on persons who have rendered meritorious service in the field of Laboratory Animal Science in Malaysia. By Invitation only.
Life membership
Open to all good standing ordinary members who have been active members for at least 3 consecutive years, subject to the approval by the Executive Committee.
* Age requirement: All LASAM applicants must be at least 18 years of age.